Tanto a ANP de Mahmoud Abbas como o movemento islamista Hamas presentan o vello panfleto antisemita dos protocolos dos sabios de Sión coma a "verdadeira" ideoloxía israelí para xustificar así as súas accións terroristas contra civís israelis. Tanto nos libros de t
exto do sistema escolar da ANP como nos medios de comunicación oficiais palestinos as referencias outórganlle validez ás teorías conspirativas do noxento panfleto e son de feito moi habituais. En palabras de Itamar Marcus de Palestinian Media Watch:

"In conclusion, in spite of universal acceptance of the Protocols as an anti-Semitic forgery, therepresentation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as an authentic book representing a trueJewish conspiracy is part of Palestinian Authority ideology. The PA is using this libel the sameway it was used by anti-Semites in the last century: Once it was documented by an"authentic" book that the Jews were part of an international conspiracy to dominate, controland conquer the world, then fighting them, persecuting them or even killing them could bepresented as legitimate self defense".
"In conclusion, in spite of universal acceptance of the Protocols as an anti-Semitic forgery, therepresentation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as an authentic book representing a trueJewish conspiracy is part of Palestinian Authority ideology. The PA is using this libel the sameway it was used by anti-Semites in the last century: Once it was documented by an"authentic" book that the Jews were part of an international conspiracy to dominate, controland conquer the world, then fighting them, persecuting them or even killing them could bepresented as legitimate self defense".